
Mayıs, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Nearpod Activity

English Literature Exam Hello everyone, today I created an online exam with Nearpod. You can add activities, open ended questions, fill in the blanks, vocabulary match avtivities, lots of quizes and actually anything you want to add to your online class! In my example (I am sharing the link below) I prepared an exam for college students for their English Literature class. So they can practice this way and check their knowledge and learn while they are doing their homework (online class activity). https://share.nearpod.com/C8hJffZLXW

QR Code Activity

Hello friends! I invited all my students to scan QR codes for their next homework! I used QR Code generator to do this and because they don't know what comes, it's a big surprise for them too. Today I want you to write a small paragraph for each of the videos I mentioned below. You should scan QR codes with your smartphone for this activity.


Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about Sutori. With this beautiful application you can easily make slides and stories. Here is mine, I made slides to show musical instruments to my class. Hope you can enjoy too! https://www.sutori.com/story/vocabulary-activity--bCvJcYAtigXaNd4qPJuB4Fyf

Flipgrid Activity

Welcome everyone! This is my online class on Flipgrid. Creating online classroom rises attention to the subject. Plus, students don't feel like they are doing homework because they can access and complete everything while they are spending their time on smartphones in daily routine. This is our classroom code:  26h8n7o https://flipgrid.com/02f54111
Learning some country names and continents is easier with MindMeister Map! Both students and teachers can create schemas very easily. https://www.mindmeister.com/1265774892?t=8VwcugzeGb
The Benefits of Video Games in Education In the past,  video games  have been labeled violent, pointless, and mind-numbing, but now educators are exploring the  benefits of video games  in the engagement and success of students.  Video games allow humans to think as a network rather than on their own, and sets their minds free. Players can wander around the digital terrain interacting with whatever and whomever they encounter. Further, games help us develop non-cognitive skills, like patience, discipline, collaboration, problem solving, and more that exemplify how we behave, explain how we learn and, ultimately, if we succeed. You can’t get that from a traditional classroom and textbook setting. Kids in grades K-12 today, also known as  Generation Z , don’t know a world without the internet, and are the most tech-savvy generation yet. Almost  half  of them spend 10+ hours online daily, and  30,000  hours ga...
Me at Istanbul University Virtual Campus in Second Life. Right in front of the Erasmus Ofiice! Today I created an account in Second Life and visited Istanbul University virtual campus. To be honest, it was for the first time for me to use simulation games for education. As a sci-fi guru, I really enjoyed this experience. I can see the hard work for creating this beautiful map. I believe in the future, we will all attend classes online. For this reason, I'm really proud of my university for taking this big step as a leader in virtual reality technologies. I invite you to visit our world to have lots of fun! :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1739691142800037&set=a.346178128818019&type=3&av=100002775051688&eav=Afa48xkCZqKRbUNwOnGY3LUGyfdRTZcgXf_ggGtb1RAyxyU3hCU1P1C-Zqi6GmSU3ZE&eid=ARCkLh3ettrJxxjwSoUrUCbqHD_qkt1wNH4MIzAITY_nM9AdGwPocOnVNV4dY7TZcvNUdQuAaegAQalM
The Comic I Made With Pixton! Hello friends! Today I created a comic with pixton. I made a story about a festival day. In the story we are going to a rock concert all class. But like in all adventures, some problems occur. This interactive story lets my students to complete the story with an interesting and entertainig way. They can attend to our online class English Fanatics. And also I can make them guess the storyline. New ideas are always important in the class atmosphere, students can learn from each other with this way. I created my comic very easily so I definitely suggest this application to you too! https://share.pixton.com/pwbmm0c
Hello friends! This is Mr. Rabbit. I created him in a few minutes with 'Voki'. It's an entertaining way to teach students months and seasons via animation characters. https://www.voki.com/site/pickup?scid=15529439&chsm=ecc6f0c7a76a5a36617aec9440e66172


Hello friends! I created a poster for my school concert! This is an invitation which was made with Canva application. You can use this to create lots of other stuff: cards, presentations, handouts, facebook and instagram posts etc. This is mine below:
SIMPLE PAST OR PRESENT PERFECT? Hey guys! This is my padlet, you can easily use it for your classes too. https://padlet.com/yesimcelebi99/m4omg68woauc