To teach animals to the class, I made online cards on Quizlet. Because we can have smartboards or projectors in classrooms, new generation can attend technological tools so they find this very interesting unlike showing them in my hands.
Nisan, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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Hello friends! Today I experienced augmented reality. Aurasma (with the HP REVEAL programme) is like snapchat face recognizition technologies. First, you need to take a picture and put an icon for it. Between so many stickers, I chose 'heart shape' for my Native American couple. Then my phone looks around and seek for the uploaded aurasmas, when it sees my native couple again, the heart shape automatically occurs. Here is my video below.
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Hello guys! Today I created a story with Storybird. In my comic, I made a futuristic short story, I will ask my students what is going on in the pictures. This is an entertainig and creative way to learn and makes students involve the class and makes them communicate in English.
Virtual Reality
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My Virtual Reality Experience The easiest and most cost-efficient way to build real-world learning experiences without logistical hassle: VR Technologies! Suitable for online lectures, technical and vocational education, workplace learning, campus tours, and virtual field trips. As you can see, it's not impossible to create an unaccessible environment thanks to the visual arts in science. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. Seeing is believing. Or not, virtual reality tricks your brain into believing you are in a 3D world. The first way VR does this is with the stereoscopic display. This works by displaying two slightly different angles of the scene to each eye, simulating depth. What is difference between VR and AR? Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Exampl...
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Hello guys! Check my latest video on my youtube channel! I talked about 'Determiners' which means a/an/the articles. Creating videos for learners is creating lessons which is accessible all the time. So it's very beneficial and you can reach so many other learners from all around the world!